When making an HTTP query via the builder, jetAdmin sends an expired token

I am making an HTTP query on the screen below.

I am using the {{user.project_token}} (called Jet Requests Auth) for API authentication as shown above, but the call keeps failing because JetAdmin is automatically sending an ‘expired token’.

The strange thing is, everything else works fine except for this screen. (including the actual app environment)

However, since the HTTP query making cannot be done, I cannot build the admin now. So, please help.

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Are you finding the same problem? This feature is a very important part of our team’s product launch. Any help would be appreciated. @jet_admin

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Is there any updates?

Maybe you can access to a clean token in the localstorage, in with JS?

if this is an OAuth token, then configure it via Rest API > Authentication.
the token itself will be updated if everything is configured correctly.