TypeError: undefined is not an object - can't save form


I use Firestore as database. I have a simple form that should save plain data along with array of strings. I get an error whenever I try to save the form. The error says:

Action Failed
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '(a()
(n)?n:void 0).map’)

If I remove this field from the form, it can be saved correctly.

Please check screenshots with more details:

Thanks for your help!

FYI: this problem happens with all Arrays and Maps, in any collection or at any page where it used. It looks like a bug. Please fix it asap :frowning:

Hey @meandrik
Could you please share the page url so I’ll be able to check it? The issue is not reproduced on our side.

hi, I’ve exactly problem in my page update or create : https://app.jetadmin.io/app/onfleek/prod/page/firebase_pros_update with category.

you can check and resolve !!

@meandrik @on_fleek
We are aware of this issue, fix will be released on weekend within the new release version.