Styled Tabs / Page Specific Menus

Looking for a way to have a dedicated menu approach that essentially provides a “subpage” functionality, with dedicated styling & icons.

At present, people can sit within 1 of multiple different plans, and each of those plans needs their own sections:

At present, there’s 3 different tab sections, which is becoming quite cluttered, and so it would be great to either:

1.) Have dedicated subpages to a page
2.) Have page conditional navigation menus (so the menu shown on a page only shows when on a specific page)
3.) Have stylised tabs where text, background and icon customisation exists

This is an example of what I want to present someone with, however the secondary menu links should be off to that part of the section they are in, and so can’t simply be hardcoded (nor could it be hidden when not in that section)

Hey Alex,

Thank you for your request. So, you can use Conditional Visibility in Menu Sections:

  1. Go to Menu
  2. Click to “+ Add” and Select Section
  3. Click to “Settings” in Section and click to “Customize item”
  4. Configure “Conditional Visibility”

So, you can move everything that you would like to show under the section.

Does it work for you?

Can the condition be the current page = defined?

So the new functionality of “on page load” action solves this problem.

The fix:

  1. Create a global variable of “Site Section”
  2. For each page within the section, set a new action so that the global variable is that i.e. “Settings” for all settings pages
  3. Set the conditional visibility of secondary menu items to when Global Variable = “Settings”