One to many relationship on jet tables


There is no possibility to display a one to many relationship as lookups doesn’t show the records that are linked. On the image below David is owner of Car 3 and Car 4 and only Car 4 appears on lookup:

With multiselect, we can display multi records but as it’s not a real relationship, we can’t add lookups to multiselect.

So whatever way I try, it doesn’t work.

At this time, a many-to-many relationship is not feasible. The most effective solution would be to have your data organized in your backend. You can prepare your data in the backend and use it in JetAdmin.

Thank you Naseeb for your reply.
I know that many-to-many relationship is not feasible and there is another way to deal with that using intermediate tables.
My feature request was about a one to many relation. In my exemple, when I look at table car owner, I see only one car in front of each car owner whereas David owns 2 cars. Why the second car doesn’t appear ?
Kind regards

If the data is already in Airtable as many to many, or one to many, does that relate in Jetadmin?

Hi DeeKay,
For this example I didn’t use Airtable.