How to set dynamic URL for IFRAME component?

Is it possible to pass Document ID or custom formula for the IFRAME Source URL?

Hey Kent,

Could you please explain in more detail why you need to pass the document id to the iFrame? The value for the iFrame should be a URL that supports embedding through the iFrame.

Currently, as you have noted, the Page URL value for the iFrame component is set statically only, but we are already working on the feature of using formulas for this value and also the ability to pass a dynamic value. This will be implemented in a future release (±ETA 1-2 weeks).

Looking forwards to this feature being released as well.

We want to show[some_id] as an IFRAME component in JetAdmin page. Right now we use a work-around by having a button open up this external webpage instead.

Got it, great! I’ll keep you posted on it.

Hello, can we use this feature now? :grinning:

@daodao_fang Sure thing :slight_smile: