How to implement multi-select for Firebase's Array data type

Please take a look at this current setup in attached screenshots.
The relationship is such that a Project’s Package contains reference (by FB Document ID) to other Channels and Assets under the same Project.

Question: How do I implement JetAdmin in a way that results in the correct data schema as shown, or what is a better schema for this?

Hey Kent,

Currently Multiselect field is supported only in Airtable resource, soon we will implement Multiselect field option in Firebase Arrays (it will be available within the next week).

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Please do it with Array type in Postgres also.

Hey @duongnb
It will be available within the next release. I’ll keep you posted on it :slight_smile:

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Hi @JetTeam , is Multiselect available to push a Firebase array yet?

Released. You need to do Sync as well as recreate the component.

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Does this work for Xano already?

Yes you can use Multiselect with Xano array

But how? I have this in Xano:

And it shows like this in Jet Admin (empty).