Firestore subcollection is not showing

Inside my firestore I have a data structure of Albums > Album > Songs.
Jetadmin cannot found my Songs subcollection.

How do I solve this ?

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yeah i have same problem here, did anyone know how to deal with it?

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Hey @Muhammad_Agung @Starskyz

I just tested the nested collections detection with multiple nesting steps (collection1 > collection2 > collection3 > collection4 > collectionN). It seems to be working fine. I will also do a full regression of this functionality again to see if there are any issues.

But to help you, I would like to clarify the following:

  1. How did you determine that Jet Admin did not detect your nested collection?
  2. Didn’t you find your collection in the collection list?
  3. Does this nested collection exist for all your documents (I mean your data structure is consistent)?

I would also suggest you continue discussing your use-case in a private Slack channel to start your onboarding process under my guidance, would that work for you? I will create separate private channels for each of you.

I’m facing the same problem. I have the following structure
and the subcollection dataset is not recognized.
When I tried to configure the Parent Path, none of the options works.

Hey @Jedoro_Doro

In order to display a nested collection you need to pass documentID (path) to which this nested collection belongs, this is not a requirement of Jet Admin, this is what Firebase API requires to display the corresponding data for the corresponding record. I recorded you a video on how it can be done in different ways: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software

We had to fix it for those who had a similar issue and for it to take effect you need to:

  1. Synchronize the resource in the resource settings
  2. Re-create the component

Hi, does it mean we are not able to parse (in a table) a full subcollection??