Faulty inserts/updates when using Arrays in Firebase

Hello there,
I have a problem when using arrays in firebase. I am trying to have a simple array of strings. But when creating or updating a document I always get data like this inserted into the database:

“arrayValue”: {
“values”: [
“mapValue”: {}

While it should looks like this:

“arrayValue”: {
“values”: [
“stringValue”: “TEST_VALUE_HERE”

I tryed everything I could think of. Changing “Field Structure” and “Output Format” dose not seem to do anything. I can get it to display existing entys correctly, but updating or inserting always puts the same faulty entry into the database.

I am sure that I’m only making a small error here and that it’s an easy fix. I just can’t think of anything else to try.

If anyone can help me with this or has an idea that I could try, I would appriciate it a lot :slight_smile:

Thank you in advance!

It is a confirmed BUG in the system. All arrays are broken that are loaded from the Firebase.

The JetAdmin team says they are working on a solution, but can take a while knowing them.

I ended up rewriting all my SQL queries for now.