Dynamically populate a Select or Radio component with an array from a selected record


I have a page which includes the Gallery component which is used as a list of document from a Firebase Collection. On the page I also have a form which includes fields that match the Gallery components records - essentially I am wanting to use those records as a template of data to populate my form fields so that I can create a new document in another collection.

I can easily pass StringValue data to a text field when I select a card, but is it possible to populate a Select or Radio Component with data from an array of the selected Card record?

The array would look something like this:

Thanks for any help.

Unfortunately, at the moment you can’t pass the Array/Map field structure from Firebase to Select/Multiselect fields.

That’s a shame, do you know if this ability is in any future plans?

Sure thing, I’ve already added this bug to our backlog and prioritized it. We will release the Array/Map field support for Select/Multiselect fields (for Firebase resource) within 2-3 weeks in the next release.

Perfect, thanks :+1:

I would also suggest you continue discussing your use-case in a private Slack channel to start your onboarding process under my guidance, would that work for you?

Yep, no problem :+1: